Welcome to The Hive, a small business made up of small businesses!

We wanted this business to be a place where multiple small businesses could come together and share their work to achieve multiple common goals:
- Stimulate business
- Have a place where small businesses can showcase their products
- Build community by working together

We have 2 locations, each with over 200 different vendors under one roof! We are passionate about community and supporting small businesses. We can’t wait to have you at our store, whether it be as a vendor, or as a customer! Find our contact information on our ‘Locations’ page!

We are The Hive

Our story

Our first ever business was Bee My Honey, where we both fell in love with beekeeping, learning about bees, and selling honey! We still own and operate this 50 hive operation. When considering opening The Hive, we knew that our small honey operation couldn’t fill the entire store, so opening it up to other small businesses seemed like a no brainer!

Our store functions quite similarly to a real hive, and that made the naming of the store pretty obvious in our eyes.

Beekeeping is all about teamwork, and so is our store. By working together, we are able to accomplish amazing things!

The worker bees in each hive work together to create something absolutely beautiful, and we felt that our vendors (AKA the worker bees 😉) do the same thing in our store.

One bee doesn’t accomplish much, but when they all work together, great things happen! ❤️

We opened out first location in 2020, and in 2023 expanded with a second store. Sharing this business with two wonderful communities has been so special. With lots of changes, as our business continues to evolve, we continue to watch it grow, and it has truly been an amazing experience!

-Kristen and The Hive Team🐝